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Found 24376 results for any of the keywords for scientific research. Time 0.070 seconds.
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About Us National Centre For Scientific Research DemokritosFounded in July 1961 as a Research Centre for Nuclear Research, Demokritos is today the largest multidisciplinary Research Centre of Greece with approximately 180 Researchers in tenured and tenure-track positions and ove
OpenStack for Scientific Research, HPC, HTCResearch and science disciplines are some of the earliest and most prevalent use cases for OpenStack clouds. OpenStack provides compelling solutions today for the challenges of delivering flexibl
Titan Computers | Best High End Custom Workstation ComputersTitan Workstation Computers are designed and optimized for today's most demanding industry applications, such as 3D design, content creation, video encoding, visual simulation, scientific math intensive engineering com
National Centre For Scientific Research Demokritos Official Web SiteDemokritos becomes the first Research Center in Greece to receive funding from the European Investment [ ]
National Centre For Scientific Research Demokritos Official Web SiteDemokritos becomes the first Research Center in Greece to receive funding from the European Investment [ ]
Education National Centre For Scientific Research DemokritosAs a Public Institution in the national agenda for a Unified Higher-Education/Research Space, Demokritos participates in accredited Graduate Programs in collaboration with University Departments in Greece and abroad. Fro
Congress Center National Centre For Scientific Research DemokritosΤhe Demokritos Congress Center is located in the campus of the Research Centre, a very pleasant, 600-acres wooded area in the city of Agia Paraskevi, at the base of Mount Hymettus. It is 10 km away from the Athens city c
Science Communication National Centre For Scientific Research DemokrScience communication and outreach activities are designed aiming towards young people in the primary and secondary educational levels as well as “open-doors” and exhibition events aiming at adults with an interest in Sc
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